If you have never heard a customer tell you that they found your ad on Google, then you are probably doing something wrong.
Making your phone ring through the use of AdWords can be tricky business at first, especially if you have never done it before. There are many factors to be considered That have most likely not yet crossed your mind.
First off, if you launch your campaigns yourself and send traffic to your regular website, then you might not get anybody to call it all.
If you use a conversion optimized landing page, then you might get your phone to ring, but odds are that call quality will be very low. But hey, at least the phone is starting to ring.
In order to justify spending money on ads to generate inbound calls for your business, those callers have to want to buy what you are selling. You will definitely want to keep track of which leads were the highest quality leads and use those optimize your campaigns.
If used correctly, AdWords can consistently drive phone calls that turn into customers for your business. We encourage you to try it yourself if you think you have the time and the skills, but if you don’t then feel free to reach out to us and we can make your phone start ringing right away.
Just give us a call and speak with one of our Consultants to get started.
Hopefully you enjoy remarketing ads.
We look forward to optimizing your AdWords account.