Paid Search Campaign Management

Search campaigns managed by an analytics first agency will deliver you more impact and more influence over a larger audience.

Capture Intent

Target Key Terms

Get your message in front of the right audience at buying time.

Expanded Reach

Grow Your Audience

Target upper funnel terms with engagement.

Measureable ROI

Cost per Action

Report on the value of the engagement you create beyond just conversions.

Having Trouble Running Profitable Campaigns?

Campaign Structure

Our PPC Engineers will make sure your campaigns are structured in a way that allows us to get the most insights as quickly as possible.

Campaign Goals

We’ll consult early and often to make sure our efforts in managing budget are aligned and in sync with what your marketing team is trying to achieve.

Campaign Optimization

Whether you are changing marketing initiatives or we are changing tactics, we believe that every week we should be getting new insights and applying those learnings.

Your Message Tailored For Every Platform

Don’t make the mistake of taking the same message to every platform. We’ll help you learn what your audience expets from your brand on any platform they engage.

Google Ads

Google Ads

Bring search ads data together with social and web engagement to paint a clearer picture of the customers journey.

Bing Ads

Adobe Analytics Products

Bing Ads is an underrated search engine ad platform that will compliment the campaigns you're running on other search platforms.

Facebook Ad Platform

Facebook Ads

Bring Facebook level ads data into focus as you consider its overall impact on your marketing efforts.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

If you're in the B2B space you're going to want to see the LinkedIn performance data within the context of other ads platforms and website performance.

YouTube Advertising

Google Analytics Products

Migrating from UA to GA4, or the enterprise Google360 product, we can bring it all together.


If it has to do with data

Our engineers can help you design and build around the tech stake your business needs to collect it, store it, see it and act on it.

Book Your Free Strategy Call

To keep you moving forward, your first call will be with an analytics engineer, not a sales rep.


An Extension of Your Team

In addition to the practical tactics that go into management a paid search campaign, there are real emotions that drive your team to want to ‘win’ in your space.

We feel it’s our obligation to act as an extension of that emotional commitment. We want you to feel how much we care about your success and we’ll operate that way.

Success in paid search is when you have achieved optimal ROI for your desired outcomes.

Going beyond that success is when you’ve achieved optimal ROI for more than simple conversion goals and have graduated into optimizing around every stage of the customers journey.

We Understand

We know it can be tough, we see it all the time. Marketing teams are tasked with driving leads or sales and at the same time are asked to be technology integration engineers. These marketing teams are then left fighting all kinds of data issues rather than spending their time creating influential marketing messages.

Custom paid search audits delivered in the last 7 years.
Team members here in
Salt Lake City, UT.
The number of times we haven’t been able to help.

All the Analytics Skills. One goal.

From project management, to solution design to business analytics – our team is uniquely skilled to build your analytics.

Ready to see how paid search powered by analytics can drive growth for you?

1. Tell Us What You Need

2. We Optimize Your Analytics

3. Grow Your Market on Data You Trust

Brands That Trust Their Paid Search to adMind

Measuring the Impact of Marketing

adMind Analytics is a team of specialized technical and strategic engineers, programmers, analysts and strategists. We don’t just ‘fix reports.’ We work with brands who want to activate their marketing data from traffic acquisition all the way through customer lifetime values. No technology alone can create the specific and strategic plan your business will need in order to get the most from that data, and that is where adMind comes in.

It starts with a call to discuss your business goals and immediate analytics needs. Then we perform a strategic audit to see if you have the right technology to support your goals, if that technology is configured properly and tracking accurately. This often spans a review of your analytics tech stack, acquisition platforms, CRMs and any other tech toys you may have on the shelf.

Once we know your goals and have diagnosed where you sit today we can create a roadmap for building out a proper analytics practice. You may decide to load all that work into a few months or over a longer period of time based on what is important to know now, and what you’d like to build towards knowing in the future.

Better insights, better outcomes.

man smiling about his quality of leads


How do you generate leads?

You generate traffic around a particular interest and offer your services or expertise as the solution to the pain that sparked the persons interest.

Traffic channels can include things like search engines, social media, emails, referrals and word of mouth.

The best marketers are able to curate messaging that resonates with the experience of their ideal consumer, and then match that with an offer to help that is genuine and solution oriented.

Which are the 4 steps of the lead generation process?

Developing a unique offering, creating awareness for your solution, providing a way for the person to initiate a conversation and then following up with the deliverable you promised.

How do I improve my lead generation efforts?

Improve your messaging strategy by understanding that “leads” are real people with real problems.

Create content that resonates with people at every level of the buying cycle and get your brand on their radar as soon as the user realizes they have a pain they’d like solved.


How do I measure my lead generation marketing efforts?

Short answer: by how well they convert into sales. Quality leads should convert into quality customers at 25% or higher.

If not, read on.

Divide all your content assets, offers, CTA’s, blogs, videos, white papers, etc, into categories based on where in the buying cycle someone would be if they were interested in a given asset.

Find a way to measure the effectiveness of each asset, view percentage of a video, time on page for a blog post, conversions of a white paper download.

You want to organize your content by the stage it is meant to influence. Whitepaper downloads should not be judged based on whether or not they led to a sale.

When you create content intended to influence someone in the stage they are at, you can then better prepare them for an eventual conversation with a sales rep.

How much should a lead cost?

Lead costs are dependent on 2 things.

How much you spent to get the traffic?

How well did you convince that person to supply contact details?

Traffic costs will vary wildly depending on traffic source, competition, the appeal of your offer, etc.

Your conversion rate of that traffic into a lead will be based on the experience you create through your content and messaging, along with the persons desire to receive what you are offering.

If you want to increase leads and decrease costs, get better at a few of these things simultaneously.


What is a good lead converstion rate?

It depends.

If you’ve done your marketing right, qualified lead traffic should convert into an actual lead at 50% or higher.

What is the difference between an MQL and SQL?

MQL stands for ‘Marketing Qualified Lead’

SQL stands for ‘Sales Qualified Lead’

The difference between those definitions depends on your business goals.

Essentially what you are asking is, what qualifies someone to continue to get messaging from marketing, and what qualifies someone to talk to a sales rep. 

Measure your marketing impact

Ready to see how proper analytics can drive growth for you?
Schedule a strategy call today. Learn how a proper analytics practice can help you:

  • Maximize your tech stack.

  • Develop influential content.

  • Align your org on KPI's and metrics.

  • Focus teams on what matters.

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